Friday 27 April 2018

Synchronicity – can it be explained?

The other night I had a vivid dream in which I was going to a party in Africa, and as we trundled along the dusty road we were passed by the actor Terry Thomas.  The other occupants of our truck were trying to recall his name… “Ah, that’s Terry… er, Terry…” So I answered “Duke.  Terry Duke”

Everyone agreed with me, and we went on happily.  We did not encounter Terry again – a cameo, a walk-on part in my imaginary scene.

I won’t bore you further with the dream because the rest of it is immaterial.  What’s important was the name.  Terry Duke.

The next morning I was struck by the name, because as soon as I woke up, I thought “Not Duke, Thomas – he was Terry Thomas!”  But out of curiosity I Googled Terry Duke, and discovered he wrote a book called The Goddess of Wisdom and Me. (Among others).  I downloaded the eBook that very morning and started to read it, and I must say I was hooked – his style of writing and subject content is right up my street!  It struck a chord, resonated in a way that has made me think more deeply about the world I live in, and what might be hidden behind the scenes of what I can see, hear and touch.

So where did his name come from?
I appreciate there’re a million little things that go apparently unnoticed during the day to day that our subconscious retains and spews out in our dreams seemingly at random – and therefore I know it’s stupid to emphatically deny I ever saw anything to do with Terry Duke before the dream – but I swear it’s true!

I can normally identify the various links, themes, concepts, images and such in my dreams – this was sufficiently obtuse to make me wonder why.

And as I sat in the rain swept supermarket car park this morning (waiting for the doors to open at 8am) I watched people driving to work, isolated in their metallic cocoons.  They all seemed oblivious to everything and everyone around them - seeing the other vehicles only enough to avoid collision, but not really aware of the occupants or their lives.  I was struck by how blind we all are; how asleep we are while we are awake, and I wondered whether we can ever truly wake up?

Thank you, Terry Duke, for popping by – It was nice to meet you.

Addendum - It's now May 4th and having read about 65% of the book The Goddess of Wisdom and Me, I must say it veers away from the relationship between a human and a God into a graphically detailed description of what the protagonist would do to "evil" people if he had godlike powers - it all becomes a bit self aggrandisement after a while, so I skipped about 20% to see if it would improve, and it doesn't.  Not sure how Mr Duke got into my head, but I'm showing this particular novel of his the door.  I'm now looking at his 2nd book - The Roswell General Store.