Monday 27 September 2010


I've been very busy. Oh yes, I have.
I've filled my days with chores and work, jobs that have needed doing but I've never had the time.
Jobs that need doing before winter sets in, before the family get home, before the light fades.
Get up and straight into the action, rush here, grab that, dash off, fill my hours with 60 minutes of busy.
But I'm sat here now thinking of all the stuff I've missed today. I almost missed coffee with my wife at lunchtime because I was so busy. I almost missed chatting with my daughter on the way home from school because I was too busy thinking about cooking tea when I got in. I missed the sunset because I was too busy doing something else.
Do you know - it's nearly October and I can only account for about three months! All the rest of this year has been swept away in a blur of busy. That's time I'll never get back!

So, take a tip from me - make sure your not so busy that you miss your life passing by. Take a few moments every now and then during the day to pause, take a breath and take stock of what's going on. "Be present in the moment." as Zen Buddhists say.

Saturday 18 September 2010


It started, I think, with Revelations. Nostradamus took up the baton - although I suspect there were many others in between proclaiming "the end is nigh", but as the written word was rare in "those" days, it's not surprising we don't know about their warnings.

But in this last decade we have a glut of apocalypse movies - The Day The earth Stood Still (remake), The Day After Tomorrow, 2012... Those are the ones that trip off my tongue, but I know there are more.

It seems we, er... I mean "We" are aware of the damage we are doing to this planet.. ooh, Medicine Man, that's another from, er, 1992 - depicts the unseen damage caused by mass deforestation bu corporate giants... The damage we are doing, and yet seem incapable of halting, to this planet.

What amazes me is the myopic nature of these greedy giants. Gas guzzling vehicles, power hungry systems, non-green power sources, unsustainability. Is no one thinking "what about my grandchildren?"

Apparently not!

We have the knowledge, the technology, the capability. It's not like we are ignorant. It's not like we don't know how to save ourselves. No. Alas, it's all about hard cash. Because if!t's hard to charge for free stuff! Run a car off solar power - no petrol needs, no exorbitant taxes, no desire to control the governments of oil-rich countries, no politics, no profits, no power. (In the Political sense, I mean). Politics - it meant Policy - something the majority decided was the best course of action - not a short-sighted, knee-jerk reaction. In those days they lived in harmony with their environment, they didn't consume it at a rate faster than it could regenerate.

Every person that wished to attend a debate was entitled to, and their say was heard - from the lowest person to the highest - each voice was equal. That was Democracy. If you could not be bothered to attend, or chose not to speak, well - so be it. You left your fate in the hands of another. Democracy these days seems to entail invading another country and telling them to behave like you. Nay, forcing them to. When I vote, I vote for someone I hope will reflect my views in Government - but I as an individual really don't have much say. In a true democracy, my voice - and I mean MY voice, would be heard.

Anyway, back to the point - a glut of Apocalypse themes - we know we're close to self-destruction - but my question is this Why are only those that already know this, listening?