Monday 4 July 2011

You, Me and a whole world of difference.

I was thinking today about that old adage "treat people how you would like to be treated", and I think I've come to a startling conclusion.
It doesn't work!
For example, kindness - you do an act of kindness to someone that is already kind, and they reciprocate. It's in their nature to, because they're kind.
You do an act of kindness to someone that's mean and selfish, and they take it and think "what a sucker!" Because they just got something for nothing, they have no need to reciprocate, because it's not in their nature to be unselfish. So they gain and you lose. You think you have the moral high ground, but in actual fact they're laughing at you. They don't care about moral high ground.

Then there's cruelty. A person is cruel and malicious, spreading vile lies, hurting people because it's fun. You turn the other cheek, accept their lies with a shrug, think you're the better person for not hitting back. Meanwhile people believe their lies and your reputation takes a nosedive.
If you try and retaliate, you know what happens? Everyone thinks you're despicable because you, the nice kind thoughtful you, just did something so mean!
Their sticks and stones do break your bones, their words also hurt you. But your feeble attempt to redress the balance ends up hurting you more. Not only from other people's reactions, but also your own conscience, which pricks you deep and makes you feel unworthy.
You can't win.
So, if you are a good, kind and thoughtful person - expect to be taken advantage of. It's the burden you must bear in silence. There will always be mean and cruel people out there just waiting for you to come along. You will not change them, because there's no profit in it for them to change.
I think this is why we hope for a God, a Heaven, something that's going to redress the balance one day, allow the meek to inherit, allow the righteous to finally get some payback. Watch those mean, cruel people writhe in Hell. "What goes around comes around". We hope that's true, we hope there is justice in the World - because deep down we know, if there isn't, we're onto a loser!

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