Friday 5 May 2017

The Turning World


It's a chilly May 5th here in Cornwall - we have had a mixture of warm sunny days and windy chill days lately - not quite summer yet, but the promise is just around the corner.
I last wrote this back in February - I was recovering from my radiotherapy then, so my desire to write was quite low.  I am now in remission, slowly getting my voice back to normal, and not quite so tired every day, so here I am!

I have been thinking about how time passes - the turning of the planet - how a day starts, opens up as you pass through it, and closes down at night.  The days become weeks, and for me it's been a pathway - walking along from one test, appointment, consultation, procedure - to the next.  I started the journey over a year ago, and I am finally realising that my path is no longer dictated by these mile markers any more.  Sure I still have appointments, but they're not the centre of the universe any more.

So the weeks and months pass by, each segment filled with tasks completed, new things to do, forms to submit, reviews to attend, and always, always, there's the future to contemplate.  Where will it take me?  What do I need to do now to make the journey easier?  More successful?  What are the likely outcomes?

As I sit here, writing this, I am aware that the world has turned a bit more - another 5 degrees through it's circle of time - another few thousand miles along it's seasonal trip around the Sun, and I am warmed by the knowledge that my life is unfolding as it should.   I am happy.

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