Friday 27 December 2019

Happy New Year!


It has been a long time since I last wrote a post on this blog.  Mostly because I have lacked inspiration concerning what to write about.

Most of my blog posts only get a few views - and I wonder whether there's any real point to my writing. But then I have to ask myself this question.  "Am I writing because I want lots of views, or am I writing because I want to write?"

The answer to that has varied somewhat over the years - At one point I wanted views, and so I signed up to some blog promotion service, and sure enough if you look back to a few posts I wrote in July and August 2017 I was getting 1300 to 2900 views.  Wow!  But then I realised they were just bot visits, not real people, and that made me understand that I'd rather have a few genuine readers than thousands of auto-clicks.

I also went through a phase of thinking what I had to say was either vitally important to the survival of the World, or was so funny and insightful, I was going to be discovered by some talent-spotter as the next Eddie/Billy/Michael touring the comedy circuit.

Sadly I was a fool.  But hey, that's OK! - We can all dream. 

Now I realise I just like writing, and yes, most of it is rubbish, but that's OK.  One day I hope my daughter reads my blog, and I guess it's always been about her.  My parents died when I was 6 (I might have mentioned that before?) and that was in 1970.  I know next to nothing about them. There's nothing written down, no letters, certainly no Facebook or Twitter or blog posts.  I had a photo album but that got lost a 30 odd years ago.  I want my daughter to know me - so I write. 

It's for posterity!

So - the title of this post is Happy New Year - today is December 27th and I write this in a quiet moment whilst I'm at work.  I retired from my job as an IT Service Desk support tech in May this year and returned to the same job but for 11 hours a week.  I put my request in around this time in 2018 so it took the best part of half a year to get sorted, plus a few more months to get the finances sorted and running smoothly.  I'm happy to say that as the year end approaches, we're doing alright.

My health has been good - my regular post-cancer check ups all show me remaining disease free.  I've put on a bit of weight through poor diet and lack of exercise, but I'm sure my New Year resolutions will soon sort that out - ha ha ha!

Looking back, we've had a few holidays - all in the UK, we've had quite a few good laughs - barbecues,firepits and games nights with our family, and some with our closest friends the Kellows, and I have to say overall it's been a very good year.

I hope, if you're reading this, that you too have had a good year - filled with adventure, laughter, love, prosperity and good health.  My wish for you is that 2020 is even better!

Happy New Year!!

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