Tuesday 4 November 2014


As I walked to my office from the car earlier I noticed the russet and golden colour of the falling leaves, the slight chill in the air, the smell of early fireworks in the air and it suddenly occurred to me that it's November.
So basically, I have been so busy this year, I've managed to miss whole months of it without really noticing!

I said that sentence in my head, and for a brief moment, I believed it!  But it's not true - I have noticed the passing of time and never once did I decide to stop and pay any attention to it.  I have been busy, but not so busy that I couldn't reflect on the day, week or month that I've lived in.

When I think now about the year that has almost passed, I can pick out many memorable occasions, things done, films seen, meals eaten, stories read and so on - so it has hardly rushed by in a blur!

It's funny how we "blame" being busy for not paying attention - and that's essentially what I've done this year - I have allowed myself to be lazy, to not pay attention. In Buddhist terminology I have not lived in the moment.  I have not been mindful, and as a result of this, I am approaching Christmas thinking I've lost a lot of the year - but this is my own misconception - so rather than blame being busy, I think I'll blame not paying attention - something I know my long suffering wife will agree with!

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