Tuesday 27 June 2017

Ambition - You can be Anything you WANT!

How many times have you heard someone saying "You can be anything you want to be!" in that syrupy-positive way meant to bring out the best in people?  Does it make you think, "Hell Yeah!" or does it make you cringe?  Well, up until a little while ago I was a Hell Yeaher, but now I'm not so sure.

I think such broad statements are not only a big fat lie, but could be quite damaging too.

When I was a kid at school, we had a careers adviser ask each of us what we wanted to do when we left school.
CA: "Colin, what do you want to do when you leave school?  What do you want to be?"
Me: "A secret agent."
CA: "No, seriously.  What job do you want?"
Me: "I want to be a spy!"
CA: "Er... Let's say you can't be a spy.  What do you want to be instead?"
Me: "An astronaut."
CA: "Who's next?"

I couldn't be a concert pianist or world famous violinist - I don't have any musical aptitude.  When I look at music, I don't understand a word of it.  It might as well be written in Chinese - in fact, it makes about as much sense to me.  I don't have the... what's the word?  The Knack.  Some people look at sheet music and can hear the melody in their heads.  They have the knack.

I couldn't be an Olympic gold medalist - there is nothing I can do that would rank me first in the world.  There will always be someone younger and fitter than me, more determined.  I'm too polite.  "No, after you!  I insist!)

Now I know there are some people out there that'll be thinking "you're giving up on yourself!" or "If you truly believe..."  But I'm just being realistic.  I understand I have limitations, and I'm willing to work with them.  I could be a spy, but I'd be rubbish at it.  They could invite me over for coffee and within 10 minutes of sitting on their beautifully white couch stroking their fluffy white cat, I'd've told them all about myself, my organisation, and where we keep the chocolate digestives.

Instead, I know that I'm pretty good at communicating.  I can make people laugh. I'm honest and reliable, helpful and kind.  I work hard.  My customer care skills are awesome!  I know what I'm good at - Communication and Customer Care - and so I've built my career around those two specific areas and have made a success of it.

I don't think there's much call for customer care on the International Space Station.

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