Saturday 26 June 2010

Missing You

Isn't it funny how you can miss something so badly that you think your soul can break. No, not break. If it broke, you'd be dead and it would all be over - but no, there is no such mercy. No - breaking would be good. Instead it just withers, wanes, fades, shrivels - so most of the LIFE drains out of it, but it stays there - enough to keep you in some sort of mean, cruel existence.

Actually, no - it's not funny. No way can it be funny. Not even "funny" as in "odd" and "weird". Missing something, someone, so badly that you think the world should just end right there and then to put you out of your misery - even if it means billions of other people have to die - that's not funny by any definition of the word.

So - for any of you out there that are missing someone or something so bad you'd destroy the World in an instant just to get it back, I'm saying; "I understand, I empathise, I truly appreciate what you're going through."

I'm sending you a HUG coz I suspect you need one!

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